Mindset is the Essential Key to Attracting Success

Have you ever started your day in a grumpy mood and then the rest of your day was negatively impacted?
Did you know the mindset you choose to start your day not only influences the rest of your day but the goals you want to reach in life?
This is why only 8% of people actually reach their goals.
If you’re curious to know more, then read on…
Dr Joe Dispenza, Neuroscientist shares; “I wake up in the morning and I consciously create my day the way I want it to happen…The more I do that, the more I build a neural net in my brain that I accept that that’s possible. This gives me the power and the incentive to do it the next day.“
It is said when you have SMART goals you will reach your outcomes (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timely)
If so, why do only 8% of the population achieve them? What else needs to happen?
Imagine you want to create a garden. You’ve chosen the plants, the layout, watered, and fertilized it. However, if it’s positioned on the beach where the tide comes in, it’s not going to grow. Even though you followed the plan, the environment is not right.
What is 92% of the population not doing?… Managing their MINDSET!
It’s easier for our brain to remember past memories and revert into old familiar strategies. Without awareness, we fall into unresourceful past patterns formed through our experiences, thoughts and beliefs.
In Dr Joe Dispenza’s book ‘Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself”, “when the mind and body are in opposition, change will never happen”.
Deepak Chopra shares, “Self-judgment is the voice inside that says: “You can’t handle it. Remember the last time you fell apart?”
Neuroscience has proven you can create your results by the mindset, thoughts and beliefs you choose. It’s possible to create each day and your life the way you want it.
So what are the essential SEEDs to access and attract your success?
In the words of Dr Seuss;
“You have brains in your head and feet in your shoes, you can steer yourself in any way you choose!”
Here’s to Speaking from Your Heart and Sharing Your Message!
Kim Taylor is the CEO of Ultimate Communicator and creator of the Ultimate Communicator Archetypes™. As a Communication Coach, Trainer, Author, and nature lover, she frequently travels to support professionals in overcoming any communication challenges, refining their messaging, and enhancing their public speaking and interpersonal skills. Her goal is simple – to guide you to lead with your voice, elevate your visibility, and bring inspiration to the world.